I've been working on this die holder for a couple days this last week in the shop, mostly in the morning before the humidity gets so bad you can't stand it and thought I would share. I made it double ended to fit both sizes of my round dies. First time trying to cut a morse taper. Used the compound dialed in off the tailstock quill. Actually fit fairly well. Miscalculated a little and it ended up short so that it wouldn't eject from the tailstock so I just drilled and tapped the end and put a allen cap screw in to give me a little more length. Works great. Made the arbor out of 12R14 and would like to harden it but have never waded into that pool. I probably could stand to shorten the set screws on the small end. Those where the closest ones I could find that would work. I've actually used it about 3 times this weekend (humidity is way down) on my latest project, a fire piston fashioned after Clickspring's model with a few mods.