Look closely at the consumable and make sure they are undamaged. Even a slight nick will cut down on the power it can generate for a cut. The orifice MUST be round and undamaged as well as the center electrode. Also remember that the piercing height is 1/8th of an inch and 1/16th while cutting. If you drag it on the plate that will cut down on the life of your consumables big time too. So raise and hold the torch at 1/8 to pierce the hole and drop it to 1/16 and move on with the cut. Also make sure your air is clean and dry. If you see a green lookin haze in the cut or jet that means you have moisture in the system and it is attacking the copper in the electrode and damaging it too. PM me if your still having issues, but depending on the machine 3/8th may be about the max on used consumables. I use a magnifying glass to inspect mine and found that the orifice is super fragile and easy to elongate and damage. Good luck