Todays New South Bend Lathes and Clausing-Colchester


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
I'm always looking at machinery.
I get emails form Grizzly that include discounted items.
This lathe for example is less than $20,000!!! :)

I took a second look. The controls are identical to my 1974 Clausing Colchester. The apron is different.
I know Clausing is owned by the 600 group. I can only assume South bend is also?


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I would venture to say you have the better machine. Mike
Idk what the 600 group is, but last I knew South Bend was acquired by Grizzly Industrial.
Idk what the 600 group is, but last I knew South Bend was acquired by Grizzly Industrial.
The South Bend Line is definitely more money.
I can only assume they are made to a higher standard.
I was aware of the acquisition but I'm not sure who manufactures them.
Grizzly doesn't state Taiwan over China in their literature like Precision Mathews.
I have a grizzly South bend 10K and it was made in Taiwan. It's a pretty nice machine.
I'm betting that South Bend isn't using Gamet spindle bearings like your Clausing ;)

I really liked my Grizzly lathe, wherever it was made. It's the only thing I've ever regretted selling.