Today's Joke - 2023 Mega Thread

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I saw that, but he's making fun of drinking black coffee, I'm making fun of those that drink that foo foo coffee.
The fact that it's a cow is besides the point..

Sorry to shoot that joke down :gangster:
I too drink my coffee black.
However, I think you either miss the point of the joke or might be taking it too seriously. The cowboys on horses are laughing at the other guy because he is on a cow, the guy on the cow is throwing it back on them but saying, he has more options for his coffee and they don't.
reminds me of a Johnny Carson joke with one of the Gabor sisters.
ZsaZsa or Eva says to Johnny, would you like to pet my ***** (laying on her lap), and Johnny says "If you get rid of the cat I will"
I remember that too, except it was Ann Margret, or do I?
I too drink my coffee black.
However, I think you either miss the point of the joke or might be taking it too seriously. The cowboys on horses are laughing at the other guy because he is on a cow, the guy on the cow is throwing it back on them but saying, he has more options for his coffee and they don't.
I understood that, but the guys on the horse are right.. the guy drinking his latte is sad, and if you ask me, less options, the latte is missing the point of good coffee.. sorry to be a debbie downer...
I understood that, but the guys on the horse are right.. the guy drinking his latte is sad, and if you ask me, less options, the latte is missing the point of good coffee.. sorry to be a debbie downer...
I hear ya, it's one of the things I don't enjoy when traveling in Europe, it's hard if not impossible, to get a proper cup of brewed coffee over there. That being said, I do recognize that the majority of coffee drinkers prefer it with milk in one form or another.
I hear ya, it's one of the things I don't enjoy when traveling in Europe, it's hard if not impossible, to get a proper cup of brewed coffee over there. That being said, I do recognize that the majority of coffee drinkers prefer it with milk in one form or another.
Hmm, I'd say it was pretty tough to get a decent cup of coffee in the US. Most coffee in the US is watered down and weak. I have a local coffee shop that is good, they roast their own beans. But for the most part, going to some random place results in some pretty wretched coffee. Europe is pretty easy to get a nice cup of coffee. (Don't think I've ever had a bad cup.) Was in Iceland, Denmark and Greece a few weeks ago and had great coffee. Perhaps we have different tastes in coffee? A really good cup of joe doesn't need milk at all, but it is nice to add some milk at times.
You haven't had coffee until you've had it in the Army. I took mine black, and was known to have someone in the mess hall fill a canteen (or two) with coffee for when we had to take the wrecker out.. We worked sometimes 20 hours a day or so to keep troop transports, jeeps or whatever vehicle needed running. As a result I am addicted to strong black coffee.
You haven't had coffee until you've had it in the Army. I took mine black, and was known to have someone in the mess hall fill a canteen (or two) with coffee for when we had to take the wrecker out.. We worked sometimes 20 hours a day or so to keep troop transports, jeeps or whatever vehicle needed running. As a result I am addicted to strong black coffee.
Nothing wrong with good strong black coffee, I enjoy it. It's the dishwater weak stuff I despise. Hmm, we are wandering off from the joke aspect... I'll stop now.
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