Advice is an opinion and opinions are like a$$70!2$, everybody has one and most of them smell pretty bad. So, I won't advise, just tell about what I have set up. What works for me. . .
First off, I do small work, largely model building. I have two(2) rotary tables, one with a fraction plate in place for dividing. Small, 4 or 5 inch in diameter. Worm ratios at 90:1, I think, may be 72:1.
One has a 3" chuck mounted to the plate that is removable and interchangable from one to the other. I use a 3 jaw chuck for the 6X12 Japanese lathe that bolts to a hub on the spindle. I cut a groove around the back part of the chuck and made clamps to fasten it to the table.
It's a PITA to set up, but doable. The center of the tables has a MT0 or MT1 inside taper. I use a drill that is broken but still true for alignment. Setting the chuck in place on the drill shaft and clamping to it. Then setting the 4 clamps to the table. Opening the chuck enough to remove the drill. It doesn't set exactly, but close enough for what I do. Within a thou or two, , ,
Oh yeah, watch where you locate the gears for the chuck. With 3 gears and 4 clamps, there's only a couple places where everything is accessible. There are also a couple of B&S true dividing heads at 40:1 but so big and heavy that they don't get used all that much. One has a 3" chuck and the other a 5". Both screw on bases.