Things are expensive


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
I paid $7.09 for premium fuel a couple days ago. This was in Crescent City, Ca.

Yesterday I was tasked to buy ice and some peppers. An Anahiem pepper was $4.00 at Ray’s market in Bandon OR.

What’s happening?

We just retired. You know, fixed income and all.
Scares the hell out of me.


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Great pic Jeff ! As far as prices wife retired last month but hasn't recieved any SS or pension checks yet . I haven't made a dime for 3 months now . I just wrote a large check to work for all of the equipment I purchased . It's painful I know , but things will hopefully get better soon . Enjoy the time you have my friend , we just never know . :encourage:
I here you. I have all ready went through my entire year’s budget for the farm and the year is only half over.
I"ve often wondered how the farmers make it .
If you increase the # of $ each one is worth that much less. Guess who increased the # of $s.
Don't hold $s. Physical assets will rise in value at similar rates as the decline in currency (longer term.)
One thing that we have going for us is we know how to fix stuff....
And make stuff ! My machines aren't even hooked up yet and work is telling me they have more work than I could handle . Everywhere is all cnc these days . Not good for one off jobs when taking in programming time then running a single part . We on here will be ok , they'll be plenty of work to go around if wanted .