The New Whish Book


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 5, 2010
Hey Guys,

I just received my new Grizzly catalog. Wow, have they stepped up in the world. This new catalog has about everything a hobbyist could want. The prices aren't great but the catalog is. It will now be moved to a primo spot next to the throne for future pursuing and pondering. 8^)

My wife thinks machining books must have porn in them because they come in the mail and go straight to the throne room till they get replaced next year. I swear some of it is really a drool starter, but I just have to bide my time till my stash says I can buy something new. Lately the stash has gotten beat up with Christmas and renewals so I am back waiting and drooling again.
wish book and broke i mean I cant even pick up the pieces....................
The prices and all the features are like a laxative. If youre stopped up have a good ready in the Griz catalog and by the time youre finished drooling all that will be left is the paperwork.