Texas Whatzit?


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
I found this at one of my rentals the other day. I have seen them before and wondered what they did. It kind of looks like a mini smoker/barbecue. It seems to be a lot of effort to cook a hot dog.




That is a branding iron heater. You attach the business end of a pear burner to the open tube on the end and place a small amount of wood under the expanded metal. Branding irons get placed in the opening and lay on the grating until ready to use.

For those who don't know what a pear burner is: http://www.jdbedwell.com/Photos/PearBurner2008.htm Basically, a propane-powered flame thrower used to burn prickley pear thorns off so cattle can eat the 'pear'.
I’m sure you could cook a hot dog real quick on that lil cooker but it might take awhile to feed the crowd.
Randy, that’s all I have to offer
i’ve made similar two hotdog cookers for friends also single hamburg cookers.
I used to make lots of custom branding irons in TX for a guy that registered and sold them
That would not be good enough to heat a branding iron
My vote is It’s a cooker
Sometimes branding iron pots also serve as cookers - for those fresh prairie oysters :p

That doesn't look like a branding pot; or if it is, it's not a very good one.
I've seen the "Rig Welders" down here carrying a similar pit on the back of their trucks. I recall someone saying they use it for a rod heater. Throw a box of rods in it and they stay warm all day long. Too coarse of expanded metal for skirt steak, unless you line it with foil.