Terminology & Acronyms


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Perusing the forums, I ran across a term I'm unfamiliar with..."Frosting" on bed ways.
Anyone got a picture or can explain the term to me ???
Was also wondering if there's a post listing out Acronyms and what they mean ??? I know most, but have ran across a few I didn't.
That might not be a bad idea for a sticky. If we build, over time, a glossary of terms we use (and take for granted sometimes) we could compile one. We could start by asking what something means if we don't know. Doesn't mean anyone is stupid, just uneducated. We all are born that way, so improving in our education should be an ongoing, lifelong process.

Ask away, and after a while, I can distill it down and make a sticky out of our build on-the-fly glossary.
Thanks ScrapMetal. I figured that it was something like that.
I was curious because when I picked up my lathe, the guy I bought it from had wiped it down and sprayed the ways with WD40. When it dried, it showed a cross hatch pattern down the length.
Looks like a bunch of X's one after the other like XXXXXXXXXX.
I'd read where this was for even distribution of oil and was wondering if that's what the term meant.

Tony, I think a glossary of terms and acronyms is a good idea as well. Saves answering the same questions over and over again.
I can't remember what the acronyms were that I had question about, but in the future I'll PM you with any I have questions on in the future or maybe the site owner can add a page, link, or sticky where people can list the terms and acronyms along with thier meaning or newbies like me can list the term(s) and/or acronym(s) we don't know and someone can fill in the meaning(s) later.
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There's the first one! "PM"

Noun: private message: I'll send you a PM.
Verb: send a private message: I'll PM if I have more questions.