Tailstock problem??


Jan 28, 2020
I have noticed two things with my tailstock. I cannot retracted the shaft to 0 without disengaging the morse taper, it begins to kick out around the 0.50" mark. Is this a setting or something internally I need to fix?

The other issue I noticed with using a drill bit in a jacobs chuck, the tailstock shaft appeared to be lunging forward instead of moving forward steadily under pressure. Basically I could see it jump.

Any ideas on what is going on? Or is this normal?
I'd take it apart and see what's up. The "jumping" if independent of smooth hand operation Id wonder if a bearing jumped apart. I don't know enough about you lathe. Taper ejection at e d travel is expected but if it seems to have moved, it could be related to the jumpy thing.
MT tapers with a tang will usually eject before it reads 0 on the scale. Without a tang it can vary. You should be able to provide some resistance to the tailstock ram while moving it out and it should be smooth. If not then there could be worn or damaged feed shaft. Other thing that can happen when drilling, if the taper is damaged the chuck will lurch forward as it grabs into material because the taper is loose.
The jumping I don't have a clue. Mksj is right on that it will eject before zero. This is not a defect , but normal . Don't worry about it . Continue to make swarf and more forward. How do I hate spell check. Keep on machining all is well.
I trim all my lathe Morse tapers so they eject just before the end of travel to give me maximum working distance. If you overtrim, you could end up with a stuck taper though. If you do overtrim, you can drill and insert a pin in the end. Some Loctite will keep the pin in place.