Tail stock turret?

Ultradog MN

H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 2, 2020
Do any of you guys use one of these tail stock turrets? It seems they would be a handy thing to have. Are they accurate? Hard to index?
There are a couple of them coming up at an auction.


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I used one for a small production job.
Had it set up with a few tools including a center drill, drill and home-made box tool.
Works great but lacks a way to set depth of cut like a real lathe turret.
Most of us can't afford (don't spend the money on) a turret lathe. The depth problem can be solved by mounting a digital caliper on the tail stock.

Yes, if you do a fair amount of ctr drill, drill, tap on your lathe, it's worthwhile. Unless you have a heavy duty lathe l wouldn't think of trying to cut an OD with a tailstock turret, though. (A box tool on a turret lathe may have two cutters to keep it centered on the work. ) Truth be told, I do have a turret lathe in addition to my 10-30. its about a 6 by 12, but with a collet chuck. And yes, I do production on it. sometimes as many a 20 pieces in a run.
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Thanks for the replys.
I made 8 little rollers the other day.
Center drill, pilot drill then final size drill.
It was a lot of changing bits.
Then saw a couple of those turrets at an auction and wondered if others had them.
They seem like a neat tool.
I got one along with my old lathe. It indexes very easily - just push a tab and rotate it. It does require that I make a custom tool holder for each tool that place in it, but that is no big deal. It is fun to play with, but I never have actually needed it for a project. It is a production aid - not typically useful to a hobbyist.
I have two, MT2 shank. Never used either except for setting one up to c'drill, drill & tap. PM me if you want one.
Do any of you guys use one of these tail stock turrets? It seems they would be a handy thing to have. Are they accurate? Hard to index?
There are a couple of them coming up at an auction.

This is what I put together for my 7x10. I bought a bare tailstock casting and made everything else, so I could keep my original tailstock. The stop assembly worked out well. Each chuck is numbered to match the stop that corresponds to it. ----- John


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