Taig 2018 cr er skipping steps at times with steel and aluminum


Oct 17, 2022
i cant seem to take heavy enough cuts without missing some steps and/or the spindle belt slips.

Material: steel or alum, but mainly been cutting non stainless steel
Cutter size: 1/8 breaks due to stickout typically or load breaks it if i dont spin it way up, but then the poor cutter burns out kinda quick, 1/4 & 3/8 work better but the load causes issues if i take any meaningful step over.

Depth of cut: tried all sorts, but today for instance i had a 1/4" 4 flute carbide, .5 step down, .015 step over, 1970 spindle speed, 15ipm speed, made 1 cut around the 1.5" round bar and then jammed, lost steps and tried going thru the middle in an arc lol i went down to .005 step over and it was ok, but i hate all those small splinter slivers, along with a much higher cycle time.
the 3/8 roughing endmill was taking good cuts, i could hear it working hard, but it eventually skipped steps and basically ruined the part. that was .69 step down, .030 step over, 1970rpm, 10ipm. another part, same material, i had it doing a helix of 2* and it jammed, then 1* and it skipped steps somewhere along the way, likely while in the pocket and not during the helix. all conventional cut as i have run into issues with work holding in the precision vise and climb cut wrecks the bit in the past (multiple times lol)

Controller: uc100 and now mesa 7i96s
Stepper motor size: KL23H276-30-8B; KL4030 driver, 36v PSU
CAM program: fusion360 (confusion 360 lol)

im trying to figure out if i can put a stronger driver and stepper and a cogged belt for the spindle, but then i wonder if the machine its self can handle it. if i do put new steppers, i will do feedback ones for sure!