table locks ?


Active User
Ok just starting out on my first mill, i see there are table locks for the x and y axis
so when and how are these used ??
They are used to lock the location of the table when a rotary table or dividing head is used. They are also used to lock in a certain position when a drilling operation on multiple parts (repetition) is required.

"Billy G"
Ok just starting out on my first mill, i see there are table locks for the x and y axis
so when and how are these used ??

Generally you should lock the axis that isnt moving, for example cutting a slot, the x and y are locked the cutter plunges a little the z gets locked the x gets unlocked and the x cut is made then locked then the z is unlocked plunge some more, repeat untill sloted ;-)

the vibration of the cutter tends to act to turn any ways that arnt locked, which can result in raggedy lines.

hope that helps,

When we build and rebuild the machines we lock the ways when we make our accuracy checks with a precision square and dial indicator. As Stuart said if you are milling a square part or when ever be sure to lock the axis you are not using as it pushes the way over to the positive way surface so it is aganist the accurate side so to speak. Another thing if you have a knee mill like or a vertical column mill with head stock the moves up and down. Never move it down with out moving it up and locking it before milling or heck even indicating the table by sweeping it. You do this because the head or knee will sag down away from the ways and you will get mis-alignment. Another thing that happens the backlash in the nut will allow the head to drop, you want the head or knee to hangs on the screw and nut. So crank it down and go by your spot and crank it up a 1/4 turn and lock it. Rich

PS: If I am machine a real precision part I put a slight pressure to push it over a little. Have to be sure to unlock it after. That is why we adjust the gibs ever now and then as the ways wear and get loose. You can search how to adjust gibs as we have explained that before on here.
Re: table locks ? thanks

thanks guys, i was kinda sorta maybe thinking in that direction, explains somme of my less than stellar results haha, thanks again
Every person does things different. Some will "just snug a tad" the locks, some won't lock them at all, and some will lock the axis they aren't moving in.

One thing to remember. Tram the head the same way you run the table. If you run loose, then tram the head that way. If you lock things down tight, then tram things with the locks tight. If you run snug, tram snug.