The pump was loosing pressure, cycling a lot, three wire with a bad control box. Definitely did not want to have to do this in the middle of winter. Bought the place 11 years ago as a foreclosure and knew nothing of the wells history. Pump ohmed out low on the field side, amp draw was normal. Adapter is apparently a weld on type on the outside of the casing, male upright boss in a pocket for the coupler, (shown in picture with a check valve), ( can’t find information on the brand). I made a trial T pipe puller out of PVC to check the guesstimated threads, 1” MIP. Thread form in PVC coupler was good after screwing it on and unscrewing it to have some sort of gage. Made a working T puller out of 1” galvanized pipe. Set up my gantry crane with chain-fall 10’ above the well. Pulled up two 22’ sticks, using my two fabricated pipe clamps, (picture shown), and a nylon choker on my chain-fall, to keep from dropping the works back down the well. When I got one length up out of the well, I cut the pipe 3/4 of the way through the pipe above the clamps, after a light cut to bleed the water. Let the pipe fall like a tree, then cut off the other 1/4. The pump was apparently the original from when the house was built in 1979. I figured that the maximum that the whole assembly could weigh was about 140 lbs, seeing as how the well appeared to be 75’ deep, 7 lb per 4’ length of 1” pipe, and 30 lb for the pump. I put down 1"SIDR 11.5 160 PSI Excel Potable Water Poly Pipe using barb fittings and new wire. New control box in the house. If there is a next time, I shouldn’t need the gantry as the whole assembly now is flexible, and only weighs about 40 lbs, with a safety line. (Since I am not getting any younger). Well is actually 80’ deep, static water level at 64’. Figured that I would post this, to maybe help out someone else.