Steel plate thickness for under 1022V


Nov 27, 2022
My 1022 will be sitting atop a long pre-existing workbench that's bolted to the wall. The bench is built from 2x4's with a 3/4 plywood top.

I want to set the 1022 on a portion of it, and figured I'd get piece of plate steel cut to match the size of the chip tray, to put under the chip tray when setting the lathe on the bench. I figure this should add some rigidity for mounting the lathe, as well as give me a firm base to shim to level from.

I'm thinking 1/2" or 5/8" A36 plate. Thoughts? Overkill? Underkill? Steel supplier is only 10 mins away, and they cut to size, so getting the plate is easy, I just don't want to buy it twice :)
I got impatient and just ordered the 5/8th. Also, a reminder to support your local steel suppliers. I shopped online first to just get an idea of what to expect on costs. Cheapest I found online for a 5/8th A36 plate cut to 16-5/8" x 43-1/2" was $335+shipping. Shipping was cheaper than I expected (plate will weigh about 130bs), but still added another ~$40, so $375 total.

Local steel yard was $229.30
Yes, good to support the locals (as long as their price is reasonable).

When building my lathe stand, the local place cut all the pieces to my listed lengths, and if they charged me, it wasn't much (can't remember). The owner was more than happy to help me out on my project. A short time later, I helped arrange a purchase from them for a project at work. It was easy to arrange because their price was good, and they delivered for cheap.