Starrett Drill Charts???


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Guys I don't know if this is the right spot for this question,but due to my eye site I am looking for one of those drill size and equival. charts poster size.I do have one of those pocket size but like to have one to hang on the wall,any ideals where a person can pick one up that don't cost an arm??Thanks---Kroll
Believe it or not they used to give the big Starrett Charts away. Find an Industrial Supply House that carries Starrett tools and ask for one. Most still give them away. There are others besides Starrett. Just ask for a large Decimal Equivelents chart.

"Billy G"
Go to Starrett's websight creat an acount. It is free. then you can order a lot of free stuff I recived a poster a book on how to use the gauges thay sell
I have there charts and a lot of other stuff I got from them, I really like the drill size and equival poster.


It is around 2' X 4' big you can see it from the other end of the shop.
I just tried to register on Starret's web page to order the charts. The registr link is not working. I have e-mailed their customer support to see what's up.

Happy Boxing Day...

Good Tip guys

Im going to see if they would send one out to Canada, probably not, but worth a try. A 2X4 chart would be plenty big enough, even for me ;)