SST Mini-Tramming tool

j ferguson

Active User
Nov 28, 2013
I bought an SST Mini-Tramming tool to see if I could get better Y-Axis alignment on My Sherline 2000. I'd been using a Last-Word indicator clamped in the facing tool holder such that I could get up to 4 inch swing ro X-Axis and then reduce it down to 2 1/2 inches for Y Axis using the table.

I'd have to say that my Last Word on the Y-Axis tended to the profane. I could never get it, I think mostly because the offset on the knee mount for the head is enough that Y axis asjustments indicating the table at about 2 1/2 inch spacing is quite twitchy especially since you have to swing the indicator around having it bounce off the T-slots which tends to throw it out of whack. I know all of the rest of you have no trouble with this, but I just couldn't get the last few thousandths in Y.

The SST Mini-tramming tool comes with two .001 indicators which can be mounted eihter 4 1/2 inches or 2 /1/2 inches apart. After I callibrated the dials, I checked X-axis as it was and it was "dead-nuts" But then using the 2 1/2 inch spacing I found my Y axis was off about .004 in 2 1/2 inches. Terrible!!! I got it down to where I couldn't detect any needle deflectio difference which with the .001 graduations means I'd have to have been close to .0005 or better. I thknk better.

These things cost about $90 at Amazon or can be bought directly from SST.

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Edge technologies makes a similar tool, which I like quite a bit. I never had a problem sweeping the head in conventionally, but the tool is a heckuva convenience.
