Spindle oiler wick material


Jan 2, 2024

Does anyone know what the "fuzzy" stuff inside the spindle oil gallery (9a) packed in the springs is made of? It seems to be some synthetic cotton... Also, what can i replace this stuff with?

Thank you!
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It is probably felt. Wool or synthetic, I don't know.
There are several people that sell wick kits for South Bend lathes on Ebay. A full rebuild kit is not that expensive.
The real key is getting a material that will easily wick up the spindle oil but filter out the debris from the sump. The felt has to be the "right density".
They are felt, and in a very specific type/grade, and I have no idea what exactly that is.

The felt can be bought in bulk, but what are you gonna do with that? The best way to do it is to eBay or Amazon yourself a couple of the wicks premade. You'll be ahead in the price tag, and you'll be ahead in not having to store the rest of it that you'll never need again...
When I refurbished my 1941 13" South Bend I found those spring loaded felts in sad shape but the spindle and cast iron bearings were pristine!!
I found them on Ebay with felts, oil products and other related items.

Miles and John O'brien, founded South Bend Lathe Works in 1906.
By the time they made my war production lathe, they put out a darn good product in my mind.