source for tiny little super tools


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have any of you asked your dentist for some of his "worn out" burrs ? i got a bunch from the girl tech a few years ago and forgot about them until the other day. . . she did say they were run thru the autoclave cleaner thing so i felt ok with them, i still wouldn;t hold them in my mouth while trying to locate something else. . . . but, they are tiny and fat fingers have trouble holding on to them.

i found a couple actual balls in my assortment, they had a little bigger shaft on them (.090) so i could chuck them in my lathe tailstock. by peck drilling method i was able to put a actual center spot on a tiny shaft i was turning. very impressive. not worn at all i don't think.

so i made a couple different collet adapters so i could actually use these little rascals in a dremel, or even in a 1/4" grinder if i was so inclined. i do need to grind out tiny imperfections in pot metal parts prior to plating. . .they will work great for that.

just thought i'd forward some of my ideas. . . . . . .
I buy dental burs on Ebay.Large variety of shapes and sizes available. I use them mostly in a Dremel for a variety of tasks when making or repairing a tobacco pipe.
Here in Canada, I find sets of diamond burrs at Lee Valley and Busy Bee Tools. The ones at Lee Valley are better quality but twice the price.