OK here's my fist newbie question concerning slitting saws.
I see there are different types of saws on the market, some with a straight through bore and others with a keyed bore.
My question is ,why the different designs.?
I haven't purchased any yet, but I would like to have some on hand.
Which type would you recommend and why?
Is there any advantage to buying an arbor that accepts several size bores of saws, or just stick with one size, keyed or not keyed?
I have never used a keyed arbour on a sliting saw, and never found a need to really. I did buy one of those multi stepped arbours that will take a few different sizes, but it had bad run out and scrapped it. I just made up my own arbours for the sizes I use, I have three of them.
With a saw, there is a few things to be aware of. The saw blade can be mounted either way. Depending on the way you mount the blade, under load, it will either try to tighten, or loosen the abour. So keep that in mind. If your machine will run the spindle in either direction your fine. Other wise you would need to use a keyed setup to keep it from unscrewing. You should have the blade orientated so under load, it tightens if anything.
For home shop type of work, I wouldnt think a keyed arbour is ness. Maybe in a production envirment,yes. Or the Horzontal mills, that would take deep cuts and generally worked harder. Your still a newb at slitting. I would recommend, slow speeds, and I do mean slow. Easy on the depth of cut, slow feed,and lots of cutting oil. That otta keep you out of trouble.
Fine tooth, or coarse
Well depends on what your trying to cut. The coarse toothed saw blades with take more chip load than fine. I use mostly coarse toothed for slitting, but you should pick up a few, experament and see what your more comfy with.