I would say if I got a good set of directions to assemble I'm problem ok I've not done anything with cnc though I'm in classes learning g code now but actually putting a unit together is all new I did a belt drive conversion plan on doing the larger table upgrade from little machine shop but pretty much all my machine experience is manual I kinda would like turnkey just to make it faster and simple to do but I think its probably going to be better to build something and then be able to trouble shoot and know the nuts and bolts of it better If I got something like this per example and a cnc fusion ball screws what else would I need I know there's always something small I just have no idea besides the obvious mounts nema steppers wiring and some power supply n ball screws and I'm being generic with that besides the ball screws everything else I'm kinda just saying what I say in some of the ebay kits I really am not sure what I need
http://www.ebay.com/itm/4-Axis-Step...512?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item337b5b5a20 this looked like it had a good amount of the items I'm not sure on price and if there would be a better set to start with I greatly appreciate all help