I somehow have managed to mess up myShumatech DRO-550. It all started with erratic scale readings onfirst the Z and then the Y Axes. After several days spent cleaning,disassembling, reassembling, and testing, I finally got all axesworking again.
Next, I had trouble with the bolt holefunction. I had entered the bolthole parameters, and to familiarizemyself with the process, was stepping through the hole locations withthe DRO when I noticed the hole locations were not plotted correctly.I decided to erase the DRO and reload it with the latest version ofOpenDro.
Here's where I have serious problems.When I completed the original build, I was running a desktop with XPPro on it. Now I'm running a laptop with Win7 Home Premium 64 bit. Sono serial port. I have tried to no avail to load the latest versionof OpenDro on the DRO-550. I have tried both AMTEL's SAM-BA andBossa. Neither program will connect to the DRO-550.
I even dragged an older Dell Desktopout of storage, loaded XP Pro, SP3, updates, SAM-BA, and Bossa. Nocommunication from either program using USB or serial. The onlyproblem I can see is SAM-BA does not offer the USB connection. Bothprograms see comm 1 but will not connect. I think it is a driverproblem, but I'm not sure.
Somebody please help! I am a retiredcomputer tech, and a very long time ago I was an electronics tech, soI know my way around computers and such. But, this has me baffled. Ihave become used to using the DRO on my mill and was just gettingready to try setting it up on my lathe.
Anyone else have this issue? TheDRO-550 seems stuck in programming mode or the current load hasbecome corrupt. HELP! I have a lot invested in the DRO-550 and theShumatech group and website don't seem to want to help. I posted tothe Shumatech group over 24 hours ago and my post has not appearedyet. I have e-mailed Steve S. with no response.
I have also been corresponding withRick Sparber, but even his help hasn't got me going again.
Next, I had trouble with the bolt holefunction. I had entered the bolthole parameters, and to familiarizemyself with the process, was stepping through the hole locations withthe DRO when I noticed the hole locations were not plotted correctly.I decided to erase the DRO and reload it with the latest version ofOpenDro.
Here's where I have serious problems.When I completed the original build, I was running a desktop with XPPro on it. Now I'm running a laptop with Win7 Home Premium 64 bit. Sono serial port. I have tried to no avail to load the latest versionof OpenDro on the DRO-550. I have tried both AMTEL's SAM-BA andBossa. Neither program will connect to the DRO-550.
I even dragged an older Dell Desktopout of storage, loaded XP Pro, SP3, updates, SAM-BA, and Bossa. Nocommunication from either program using USB or serial. The onlyproblem I can see is SAM-BA does not offer the USB connection. Bothprograms see comm 1 but will not connect. I think it is a driverproblem, but I'm not sure.
Somebody please help! I am a retiredcomputer tech, and a very long time ago I was an electronics tech, soI know my way around computers and such. But, this has me baffled. Ihave become used to using the DRO on my mill and was just gettingready to try setting it up on my lathe.
Anyone else have this issue? TheDRO-550 seems stuck in programming mode or the current load hasbecome corrupt. HELP! I have a lot invested in the DRO-550 and theShumatech group and website don't seem to want to help. I posted tothe Shumatech group over 24 hours ago and my post has not appearedyet. I have e-mailed Steve S. with no response.
I have also been corresponding withRick Sparber, but even his help hasn't got me going again.