Shop exhaust set up for lathe or mill ?


Active User
I am setting up my workshop in my basement & was curious what others are doing for ventilation while milling &/ or turning. I have been thinking about using 4 inch DWV pvc pipe connected to an old fan I have left over from a high effeciency water heater. It was used to exhaust the flu gasses from the water heater burner chamber to outside.

As a general rule you should attempt to move three times the volume of the room you are workin in every hour. If your set up will move easilly and can be placed in the fume stream it will help a ton. Just be carefull to avoid too much air moving to prevent picking up hot swarf and flamable fumes. How bout a pic of what you have in mind? Bit any help is always good, so dont hesitate to proceed.
Good lick!!!
Bob, I will try to get around to posting a picture of the fan in a few days. I plan on making it flexible so I can place it above the work in the lathe or mill.

Just be careful, you don't cause any heating appliances to back draft, The air has to come from somewhere and chimneys make a good source of air for a fan, Unfortunately the chimney then no longer works as a chimney.
I have no ventilation. Wife never complains about machine shop odors, so it is a non issue. Welding, I try to do outdoors.

Here is a picture of the fan I will use. I want to pipe it to PVC pipe with flexible hose above the lathe and a hood (like a funnel of sorts) connected to a flexible tube connected to an arm so it can be placed directly over the work. I will connect the control to the fan motor so it turns on when the spindle starts.


Is it explosion proof ?
*******Just Asking***********Gator********:bash:
Wow! Very good catch and good of you to bring it up.

Just be careful, you don't cause any heating appliances to back draft, The air has to come from somewhere and chimneys make a good source of air for a fan, Unfortunately the chimney then no longer works as a chimney.
Ok Gang, what am I missing here. What needs venting when running a mill or lathe?:think1:
The smoke from hot cutting oil has to go somewhere.

I used a roof mount attic fan. At 350 cubic feet per minute, it moves plenty of air to exhaust all fumes. I made a box out of plywood, mounted the fan to the box, then ran 8 inch stovepipe to a location over the lathe and mill. I used those ceiling vents that have the shutters to prevent cold air ingress in the winter. I can turn on one vent, or both. Works fine for me, and it makes almost zero noise even when the shop is silent. I bought the fan at Lowes for around $65. The whole project cost me perhaps $120, and that's a high estimate.