Ship Nostalgia - Engine Building at William Doxford and Sons

Incredible images thanks for posting the link. Those old huge machines are fascinating. Would love to see them in real life.

Pretty impressive.

Remains me of the workshop at Dominion Engineering in Lachine Quebec, when we took a tour, years ago before being sold to the Chinese by GE. Empty building today=no jobs.
bigest things i ever seen was them rats in them gran barges, i would strike a arc to weld and all you seen was these rats the size of a beagle lol:biggrin:
Thanks, Walter. Very impressive. Those curls from the vertical shaper are huge.
Now THAT'S a boring bar! :drool: My lathe feels so small now.... :p


Wonder what kind of tolerances they had? :biggrin:



I once saw a 2 cylinder diesel out of a ship, being taken to a school.

The road to the school was was 20' wide and the engine took up most of it