Sears Roebuck / Dunlap Power Hacksaw


Active User
Mar 12, 2013
I picked up a power hacksaw made for Sears, Roebuck and Co. by Dunlap Tools at an estate sale over the week-end. The series number is 108.1501 and I'm guessing that its dates to the 1940's. It is in super condition with exception of the usual oil and grease stains and it was covered in oily sawdust.
I'm in the process of building a new stand for it and the General Electric motor that runs the beast.
I would like to find a owners manual for it! So if anyone could steer me into the right direction to find one it would be great.
I'll post pictures later once I finish the Stand for it!
I can't remember if it was on here that I saw the stand but yes It was my attempt to copy the stand. I still like theirs better.
Well, you came real close anyway! I honestly do not recall where the pics originally came from but I want to replicate this stand as much as possible myself!


011-16.jpg 012-12.jpg 013-14.jpg
That's the one Uncle Buck! I'm not entirely sure how he they did the sides on the long edges. They look to be made from dimensional lumber but I opted not to even attempt to replicate that part of it! I was trying to go from memory and I guess a 15 degree splay to the legs was more than what the nice one in the picture shows
Anyway it seems to be plenty rugged for the saw and I only tied up about $12 making it.

Now to just get the saw cleaned up and adjusted. I ran a piece of 1/2"x 1 1/2" hot roll through it yesterday and it held great tolerances +/- .001". And it matches the Craftsman lathe I picked up earlier this spring. Between them both I have a whopping $205. Love them both!
Thanks for those pics Buck.!! Now I feel obligated to try and make one of those. It's a very classy looking bench. I see the iron legs pop up from time to time on CL but to me it's just not worth it. Grizzly sell iron legs for a whopping $600.00!!!!! My lathe came with a bench, but it's beat to hell and really doesn't suit my way of what I want my shop to look like. I'm going to build another bench for my 6" lathe I plan on making it with 4 pieces of 3/4" plywood 2' deep, 4' wide. Not sure what I'll do about the legs yet. I will stain it and put plenty of poly on it to make it nice looking. The lathe will be taken apart when it's time to bolt on the new bench with a fresh coat of paint. I would like to have less than $150.00 in it, which should be no problem. I'll just have to sweet talk my brother in law to go with me to pick up the wood and cut it on his table saw.
Just saw this post sorry so late. I have the same saw but mines a excel made by cover mfg. Benton harbor mi

If u go to the sears parts direct site. And enter these numbers you'll be surprised they still have some parts

108.1501. And 101.22940

Scruffy. Btw. I got mine for 10.00. It was working
All most forgot. Love the stand. It's going on my project list .

Wish. I could find the smiley face rolling on ground laughing about my project list
