Sand Blasting Cabinet Lights

Old Iron

Active User
I got a H.F. small blast cabinet and prolly need to put lights in it, If any of you have added them what kind?

My big cabinet came from Carlina tools I think, Not sure cause it was given to me. It has a 4' 2 bulb florescent on top and I don't want to do that.

Pictures would be nice.

I have that HF cabinet - and its big brother (which is WAY better) I picked up a 24" single florescent at Home Depot for some $20-25. It was hard wire, so I added one of those inline 'thumb' switches to a plug-in, and pop riveted to the inside top of the cabinet, been there now 2-3 years.
Using a par 38 flood light in a simple floodlight fixture is the best way. I have tried all the above and this simple rig beats them. The florescent lens in the cabinet will eventually become blasted and restrict the light. You can easly replace the floodlight bulb and it is easyer than messing with lens protectors. I wish I could take the credit for thinking it up but it is how the Scat blast cabinets are outfitted. ( However lighting it isn't a big issue if you keep the cabinet clear of dust.
Thanks for the replies. It will be clear of dust I've got a cyclone that will be hooked up when I'm using it.

I only got this to do glass beads in for the machined parts that I want to Blacken with a hot pot.

I have a bigger one that you could put 2 of these in, But I use a different media in it.

Speaking of blackening -- I too have found that glass bead gives me the best preparation by far than any other method I tried.

A florescent fixture shud last forever with glass bead, I use Black Magic in the small HF (glass in the big one) cabinet and it is aggressive, but that little fixture still works.
Using a par 38 flood light in a simple floodlight fixture is the best way.

Pas you mentioned, my tp tools cabinet came with a pare of par 38 floods installed, one in each upper front corner. Works well, plenty of light, cheap to replace, but the one farthest from the door requires that I crawl inside it to replace the light. The cat seems to enjoy the visual.
Using a par 38 flood light in a simple floodlight fixture is the best way. I have tried all the above and this simple rig beats them. The florescent lens in the cabinet will eventually become blasted and restrict the light. You can easly replace the floodlight bulb and it is easyer than messing with lens protectors. I wish I could take the credit for thinking it up but it is how the Scat blast cabinets are outfitted. ( However lighting it isn't a big issue if you keep the cabinet clear of dust.

Floodlight's also give the added binafit of kepping the media dry. Scat has info on building cabnits and and thay only recomend flood light's for the heat. I have the HF large cabnet wich has floressent light but I put a flood light in to dry out the media as the humidity here in Fl. is pritty high.
I picked up a 18" florescent light a 2 x 4" box switch and a cord at the local home center. I installed it this morning and it sure makes a difference.


Switch 1.JPG Light Off.JPG Light On.JPG
I cheated big-time and put this LED unit in there. Works well since it already has a magnetic base and I stick it to the door so it's right in my face when I open the cabinet -helps remember to turn it off. BTW: I'm liking this sandblating situation. I'd about say it's a pretty essential piece of equipment.


I also only use glass beads in my blaster. I have the low wattage flood light in the upper left hand corner. When I installed mine I also installed a switched receptacle for the vacuum, both the light and the vacuum come on at the same time. There is nothing worst then having to remove the gloves to start the vac. I have had this set up for 9 years.