Safe to switch away from Touch DRO app and return?


Sep 20, 2023
If I switch to another app on a Fire HD tablet, will Touch DRO continue to track position changes and display them when I return to it?

I'd like to be able to use a "three wire screw thread" calculator app when I'm checking to see if I'm done cutting a thread (and if not, see how far do I need to go). There's one for $.99 on the Amazon App site.

But, I would not want to risk losing the DRO position for this. I could use the other Touch DRO display (I have one for the mill and one for the lathe), but it would be nice if I could just swap apps, do the calculation, make the measurement, and then return to Touch DRO to modify my lathe's X position and continue the cutting.

Yuriy will respond with the official answer but the scales determine the location and are powered from the adapter not the app: you should be OK.
If I switch to another app on a Fire HD tablet, will Touch DRO continue to track position changes and display them when I return to it?

I'd like to be able to use a "three wire screw thread" calculator app when I'm checking to see if I'm done cutting a thread (and if not, see how far do I need to go). There's one for $.99 on the Amazon App site.

But, I would not want to risk losing the DRO position for this. I could use the other Touch DRO display (I have one for the mill and one for the lathe), but it would be nice if I could just swap apps, do the calculation, make the measurement, and then return to Touch DRO to modify my lathe's X position and continue the cutting.

Well, it would be an epic fail on my part if switching from/to TouchDRO would loose the position :)
The raw position data comes from the scale adapter, and it's not affected by the tablet at all. The app in the tablet stores the "flags" in non-volatile memory before applying any changes. I.e. when you press "Set Zero", the app calculates the offset, writes it to the storage, and then displays the change. You can fully turn off the tablet, turn it back on in a year, and as long as you kept the adapter powered up, the DRO will restore the previous positions as if you never turned it off (if this doesn't happen, yell at me, and I will find and fix whatever bug is causing the behavior).

Yuriy, haven't you figured it out yet? we will still be yelling at you even if it works correctly lol