Researching single point threading on lathe

Jon K

Active User
So I understand the idea here... one thing I don't see often discussed is prepping for the thread. What size do you turn to? The same size you would need for a tap or die? IE., if I am going to put a 3/8-16 thread on a shaft, how do I know what OD to have the shaft start at?

Thanks all

There are charts galore with the precise information, but basically the major diameter is the nominal size of the thread. In other words, the major diameter of a 3/8" thread should be about .375. The smaller diameters are less obvious. basically a #10 is .188", a #8 is .157" and a #6 is .137". You should invest in a Machinery's Handbook. It will provide all the info you'll need to cut any thread imaginable, even threads of your own design.

Thanks guys! I will be trying my hand at chopping threads... i mean cutting threads... I mean crashing lathes... oh brother.
Thanks guys! I will be trying my hand at chopping threads... i mean cutting threads... I mean crashing lathes... oh brother.

hmm... sounds like you're on the right path ;)

as mentioned above, there are reference lists of major and minor diameters for cutting threads.