FWIW ..cast iron gears are are more "fool proof" repaired by brazing & covering w/ lime , ashes ,or sand for cool down ...the heating up process prior to brazing temperature provides a pre heat ....i have done maybe a 1/2 dozen by filing a shallow dovetail at the root , filling w/ braze & recutting the tooth ,both w/ commerciall gear cutter & fly cutter ground to exiisting tooth form ..dividing head or rigged apparatus using exisiting teeth for indexing ...bronze tensile strength is more than equal to cast iron ...so far , no failures .....the problem w/ welding cast iron is either "cooking " the adjacent metal or causing brittleness.
case in point ....received a logan c/shaft that had been broken in transit ....FIVE breaks , not the previous welds but on either side of PREVIOUS welds ..."cooked" ... into the scrap pile ......the high carbon content simply caused embritlement W/OUT proper pre /post head....olde tyme auto block welders used a pre heat furnace, torch , & cast iron ,& a post weld heat slo down , allowing annealing .....
that said i have gotten away w/ stitch welding cast iron a couple times .....( lay a quick bead from one end , wait till cooled & lay a bead from opposite end , again wait till cool etc......using an expensive nickel rod & peening as weld cools helps to allow for contraction w/ out incipient cracking ...
just my experience ....INFREQUENTLY welding over 40 years .....& relearning each time .....instead of 40 yrs experience i have less than one years experience 40 times !!!
best wishes