Hi All,
In addition to Tubal Cain and other sources mentioned so far, I would like to add 2 more books:
'machine shop essentials' by Frank Marlow machineshopessentials.com
'machine shop trade secrets' by James Harvey proshoppublishing.com
Both these books have helped me greatly. They have different focuses but are both very good sources. I have added direct ordering addresses as they have chapter breakdowns, and also, by ordering from the authors directly they make the most money as opposed to Amazon for instance, where they are paid pennies by comparison in sales.
If videos are more your thing, LMS has a number of good ones (focused on the mini lathe and mill) by both Jose Rodreguez, and Swarfrat. Very different styles of presentation, but packed with good info. Tubal Cain and others on You Tube have been mentioned above. the books I recommended above are also available through LMS.
Hope this is a bit more help.