recent acquisition and queries


Aug 30, 2011
My Partner's Grandfather recently passed after a happy and full life filled with many experiences and challenges which he was happy to share. I wasn't close with him as he was quite reserved when it came to non family members so I had no idea of his toolmaking past until now. Maybe if he/I knew about our shared interests, we may have had more speak about.
I've uploaded and album with a few pics in it of the contents of one of his toolboxes. There's a couple of others dedicated to cutters and reamers which I'll post later if i can get my mits on them. My brother in law has them but has no use for them, so i'll be trying to negotiate a trade/price.
The album is located here.

There are a few tools in this one that I'm not sure on their use or what they are. If anyone could help out, I may be able to one day put them to use instead of wasting their existence.
I'm not sure on what both the tools in this photo are.
There's a similar of the steel pieces in this photo along with another unknown steel tool.
Some sort of angle gauge, I can't make sense of how to properly use it or what the reading would mean.
Finally some sort of depth gauges? Haven't really played around with these to try and make sense of them yet.

If you guys could help out at all, that would be great!
The one with the 2 rounds obne at each end is a sinebar, Don't know about the otheron unless it is used with the sinebar in some way.

I'm sure some one smarter than me will know.:holdphone:

Looks like you made a good haul!:biggrin:

First one's a Sine Bar - If you want to set something up at an accurate angle, look up the angle's sine (either on a calculator or in a book with trig' tables), multiply that by the length from centre-to-centre of the two round bars and put that thickness of gauge blocks (or a block cut very accurately to size) under one end, hey presto, the top flat is at that precise angle. The three others in that pic I think are micrometer barrels, could belong in a mic', could be used to make micrometer stops or other measuring / positioning tools?

2nd pic top left has a DTI or dial test indicator (used for measuring runout or eccentricity of a workpiece, for instance when setting up in a 4-jaw chuck), sine bar top right, not sure about the bottom object! It may be something made for a specific job?

3rd pic - "angle gauge" is probably a lever indicator - also known as a "poor man's DTI" - there should be a probe at the end opposite the scale, same use as above but a bit less sensitive/precise.

The depth gauges are in fact - depth gauges! using the swappable rods they give a range of 0-1" up to 5-6" - very useful tool, wish it was mine!

I hope you succeed in getting 'em, be good for them to go to someone who'll appreciate and use 'em!

Dave H. (the other one)
thanks for the replies guys!

I knew the dial indicator, I already have a few of them but nothing this small.

I had no idea about Sinebars, I was looking at their use on Wikipedia after Pauls response only to return to Dave's.
Very interesting indeed.

The lever indicator now makes sense, it helps when you're pointed in the right direction!

I'm not sure of the mic barrels, I might have to take another look. something there isn't adding up for me.

This lot i have in my possession, I'll be trying to get more this arvo and will keep you guys informed.
The lot I'm trying to get will be the "mother load" more small gauge blocks, bunch of angle blocks, machinist clamps, angle blocks, parallels, end mills, drills, reamers, etc, etc.

Thanks again for your help.
Hopefully I'll be back with more questions as more questions means more new possessions!
On the depth Mic you unscrew the top and change them or to put in a longer or shorter one.

Look it over and you'll see how its done it is really easy.
