Wedge type tool posts are purported to repeat better than the piston type, and are also said to be more rigid. The wedge style also costs more. I think you would have to check carefully side by side to notice any difference in actual use. For a few dollars more I would get the wedge style, for a lot more I would choose the cheaper one. 12" lathes are about in the middle between AXA and BXA sizes, also called 100 and 200 series, respectively. In reality, the lathe swing has nothing to do with it. What is important is the height from the top of the compound where the tool post will tighten down, to the center line from spindle to tailstock. Manufacturer's and sellers usually list that dimension range somewhere in their literature, but not always. The model numbers are a sort of industry standard, or perhaps rather knockoff copies of other brands, so you are pretty safe checking other brands for the dimensions if the one you are contemplating buying does not list that dimension. I have found almost no correlation between price and quality on the cheaper units, and sometimes sources change for what sellers currently have on the shelf. The Aloris and Dorian holders are in a class well above the others, and the prices reflect that.
A couple years ago I bought some quite nice BXA tool holders from CDCO, at the lowest price I could find anywhere. Your mileage may vary...