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Last month I ordered and received my DRO from Aliexpress. Took about 3 weeks on a slow boat, but it was in excellent shape. Looks to be a nice unit.
Need to get it installed on my Mill soon.
Roadie33, how was the price , compared to what I see on eBay. Around $3 for three axis. I have to do more wheeling and dealing to get one for my enco . Trying to get it all set up in my shop , but very hard to do from a wheelchair and in misery. Soon has it starts warming up ill be out in pain or not.
Got a new wrinkle had an offer to buy our house and property. Man I'm in a fix. I love the old place the wife hates it. I told her today I'm not moving unless I get a big shop building with her rancher. Lots of things to be thought through.