Precision Matthews DRO


Feb 14, 2022
Hey everyone. I just recently purchased a PM-1130V lathe with installed DRO. I have been reading the manual for DRO and it talks about modes for Milling, Lathe, Grind, EDM etc. I was thinking mine would come as set up for a lathe, but it is actually showing DGO 2L in the display. i have accessed the menu for changing this by pressing the mm/inch button 6 times on start up. I can easily change this to Lathe 2 but i am unsure if i should change it or just leave it as it is. There is also a sub menu in here where you can select digimacs or DRO. Do anybody know anything about this or what these menu items mean and what i should set my DRO to?
Being you have gotten no responses I am going to chime in. I do not have a PM dro but do have a PM 727. I would give them a call and see what they have to say. They were very responsive when I have had questions
The main setting unique to the lathe is to set the Y axis to read diameter rather than actual. So when you set the DRO to .010” it removes that off the Dia of your part and not moves it .010” ahead taking .020” off the Dia. Other than that most other functions should not matter for average use.
X-axis should be diameter and Y is actually Z. My lathe had X as a 5uM when it came in but is actually 1uM read head.