Used the blower motor today, with the exhaust pipe attached from yesterday (, and...I guess the motor vibrations worked all 3 bolts out, even used lockwashers. And the previous job, I sucked up a few rocks (it has excellent suction), and they damaged the blower housing, and today's stuff made it worse, a pretty significant hole is in the housing (similar to what happened with my zero turn blower housing).
So, I had to cut work short, bought some nuts and bolts, and proceeded to repair both problems.
The exhaust pipe just bolted directly onto the heat shield around the muffler, which is just thin sheetmetal with some threads in it. I decided to try using a full bolt/washer/parts/washer/lockwasher/nut setup this time, and to do it, I had to take the heat shield off the muffler. Normally, this would be straightforward, but 2 of the screws they used had stripped the threads in the muffler, and wouldn't readily unscrew. One I could get out by trying to separate the muffler and heat shield while unscrewing it, but the other one wouldn't budge. I tried prying it, pulling on it with visegrips (couldn't really do this, because the head was slightly recessed in the heat shield), and finally decided to drill it out. I broke 3 titanium-coated drill bits, while making very little progress, switched to a HSS bit and it went through the head like butter.
Final result (bolt heads are on the inside for clearance, otherwise I'd reverse it to make it look better):
Now, here's the damaged blower housing:
I'm fixing this the same way as I did my zero turn blower housing, using a strip of 14 gauge sheet metal, run it through my ring roller to get the right curve in it (much easier to do than using a homemade jig and bending it by hand/eyeball), inserting it and bolting it to the non-damaged portion of the housing. This was also easier to do because the blower housing splits in half (the zero turn I had to work it in through the output hole). Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the insert before bolting everything together...