Possible Re-purpose?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 28, 2016
I saw this on HGR's website...


It's... interesting...

I'm not sure it would be useable as a surface grinder... I'm not sure it could be made to serve any purpose other than what it was designed for, but for $100, it might be interesting to tinker with.

Unfortunately, by the time I paid to have it shipped, it would cost too much...

What might this be re-purposed to do?

That sure looks like a surface grinder to me. More length travel less width travel than usual but.
That can sharpen much more than knives.
Your only limited by your imagination and your ability to set it up.
I agree. Looks like a surface grinder with a large knife grinding attachment where the mag chuck would sit.

Looks like it doesn't have enough table travel for the wheel to get down to the table. You would have to fixture everything on risers or spacers. But, I guess if you are willing, have at it.
I would guess that it is either 4 x 12 or 4 x 18.
Could be wrong