Portland Oregon area source for stainless stock


Active User
Rest In Peace
Hi all,

I need a couple of strips of most any sort of stainless that's relatively easy to TIG. About 6 feet of flat stock 1.5" - 2" wide. Thickness I don't know, but pretty thin so I can bend it on my D&K finger brake but thick enough that I don't burn it up whilst welding.

Anybody know a local (PDX) source ?



The rich keep all the money, pay none of the taxes. The middle class pay all of the taxes, do all of the work. The poor are just there to scare the s*** out of the middle class. - George Carlin
Thanks John -

I'm into Ram Steel regularly and did not think of them as a source for stainless - just hot and cold rolled.

I shall make a phone call tomorrow and figure out how they can help me.

Albany is close enough for a supplier #2 if the need arises.

Thanks again,
