Portable 3-in-1 tool?


Site Founder
Sep 22, 2010
[This question was asked on another forum, but abruptly closed without answer by the forum owner due to his "guidelines"]

"I am a hobbist and more involved into building hotrods than machinist.
At this point i am in need of small portable 3in 1 tool, but space is limited.

Question: I have done many custom alterations for car bodies or engines:
Can a lathe base (on "mini" 3 in 1 mill lathe drill ) be raised on spacers from the head to create larger lathing diameter, or
is it mechanicaly related.

I would like to be able for example to do brake rotors/drums alteratiors for custom vehicles,
but due to size of my garage- deal with a mini lathe MAXIMAT7 or harbor freight style mini units."

it could be done but anytime you raise a object above its centerline you make it vulnurble, just like a car you raise it up above its center of gravity you know what happens, you would also have to raise the tail stock up, if your just turning drums and rotors and not making them your best bet is a brake machine, cause i think it will take a 11" lathe to do what you want, this is just my opinion, i turn brake rotors in mine and drums but even mine is limited to size, car and light truck:biggrin: hope this helps. mac
ever considered making a small "outboard" lathe ?
bigger bearings, make it how you want exactly...