PM932 CNC Build


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 3, 2013
I had not planned on posting a build thread but since I have received a lot of information from other builds I figured I would give back.

My original build was going to be servo based but I ran across a great deal on stepper build parts similar to what jumps4 did on his zx45 conversion.

I have very limited space so the x & y steppers will be mounted off to the side with timing belts to the ball screws.

Here is a CAD screen capture of the layout done in Solidworks.



CADcapture1.jpg CADcapture2.jpg
Here are some pictures of the mill shoehorned into my garage.

I setup a temporary coolant tray and enclosure to make as many conversion parts before dismantling the mill.


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that looks good
I still haven't got into 3d drawing and cam software, Ill have to try something pretty soon
the coupling for z should be a bellows or disc type, my first try was a spiral cut and the torque made it spin up and flex too much under load. I also lost about .5 of an inch at the top of the Z travel by putting the bearing inside the column to lower the motor.
Here are the parts I have milled so far. I got to the point I needed to tear down the mill to get the final measurements for the ball nut mounts for the x and y axis. Yesterday I removed the table and cross slide, measured and made drawings for the ball nut mounts. Photos at the end are turning and milling some of the parts on my Smithy Granite 1324.


Anyone know how to keep the photos from rotating when uploading?


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that looks good
I still haven't got into 3d drawing and cam software, Ill have to try something pretty soon
the coupling for z should be a bellows or disc type, my first try was a spiral cut and the torque made it spin up and flex too much under load. I also lost about .5 of an inch at the top of the Z travel by putting the bearing inside the column to lower the motor.

Thanks Steve, I got a disc type coupling based on your build thread. I'm spacing the z-axis motor just high enough to allow full travel. I cant go higher due to the garage door clearance.

I help mentor a high school robotics team so I get a student copy of Solidworks every year. I'm still slow at it.

Really great project. Please keep us posted on this one...

I made a little more progress this week. The X & Y ball nut blocks are done. I cut the grooves and ports in the center base for the one-shot oiler, made the oiler distribution manifold, modified the center base for the Y axis ball nut block and finished up the Z axis upper mount.

Next up is enlarging the Y axis slot in the machine base to keep full travel with the larger ball nut and fitting the ballscrew.



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Got the machine base modified for the x axis travel and finished the x axis ball screw assembly.

The ball screw shaft where the angular contact bearings fit were a light press fit which is too tight to get on and off by hand for fitting and assembly so I chucked it in the lathe and lightly sanded with 320 paper until it I could slide the bearings on with slight resistance.

After checking the fit of the x axis ball screw assembly in the base it looks like I need to relieve the ball nut block a little for clearance.



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Ran into my first hiccup last weekend when I discovered the x axis ball screw was bent. Fortunately the supplier is replacing it but it will be a few weeks before I get the replacement.

This week I started on fitting the one-shot oiler supply lines. The ball nuts came with zert fittings but I plan on running oil lines to them so I modified the zert fittings to accept the tube fittings.

I need to start thinking about the coolant tray. I would like to use sheet metal but don't have access to a shear or break large enough.



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