Just wanted to throw this out there. Dave from AZCNCKITS has been out a few times in the last few weeks fitting pieces and parts for his PM-833 CNC conversion kit on my 833TV. Looks like he is down to the last couple of tweaks to the design and he will hopefully will be out early next week for final fitment and testing. I should be able to setup my CNC control at that time so we can check functionality and verify everything runs correctly. There are a couple of things about the PM-833 that were very unique compared to the other PM mills that was slowing down the production of the kit. I don't know yet if Dave is planning on doing a video on the kit himself or if I will be allowed to run over more of the specifics. I will tell you that, do to the mills unique features the first few run of parts will be available with the X axis motor only being able to be mounted on the left side (hopefully Dave or I will go a bit more into detail in a vid). That said I do not want to put any words in Dave's mouth as to an exact date but it should be available very soon, He did put the production and shipping of several of his available kits on hold to focus on getting this done for all of us PM-833 owners.