I found this Atlas lathe on Craigslist. It's a bit of a hike from me but it certainly appears to be a stout piece of history. Nevada is a desert, both literally and figuratively when it comes to used mills and lathes. I have contacted the seller and am eagerly awaiting a response. Can you guys help me identify the model and give me an idea about what to expect in cost of restoration, probable repairs that may be needed, fair price, etc? I'm handy and will be doing all of the work myself, I just know next to nothing about machining/machine tools and am looking to start with a decent piece of machinery. Here is the link:
I found this Atlas lathe on Craigslist. It's a bit of a hike from me but it certainly appears to be a stout piece of history. Nevada is a desert, both literally and figuratively when it comes to used mills and lathes. I have contacted the seller and am eagerly awaiting a response. Can you guys help me identify the model and give me an idea about what to expect in cost of restoration, probable repairs that may be needed, fair price, etc? I'm handy and will be doing all of the work myself, I just know next to nothing about machining/machine tools and am looking to start with a decent piece of machinery. Here is the link: