Please Donate & Upgrade Your Membership!


Site Founder
Sep 22, 2010
I want to encourage those of you who ENJOY our site and find it USEFUL to DONATE and UPGRADE your membership from active member to donating or premium membership. If you want to know the differences in membership benefits, please visit THIS PAGE:

Donating memberships start at just $10 per year. These memberships are in fact donations that help pay our costs, and keep our site running!

Thank you for your donation, God Bless You!
Like before only worse I'm not able to donate anything but my years of experience. I'm now in debt to over $16,000 to hospitals and drs. Had my lung punctured by a pain Dr and was mistreated by a hospital and drs nearly causing my death from collapsed lung , had my wife not called for a second hospital trip to a different hospital where they drained 4 litres of blood out of my left lung . And the total time was 5in first one ten in second. It's all copays . I'm sorry I can't give money if needed drop me just say so . I've lived 63 years without most things this won't bother me any.