Picture request


Active User
Hey all,

In the classes I am taking all we use are inserts in the lathe. I have been learning about tool geometry and all of that on my own. So if you guys can, could you all post a picture of a hss in a tool post on a lathe? And what angle do you set it at against the work? We have been going 90* with the inserts.


Everyone has their way of setting the tool bit for cutting. 90 deg. is pretty much the way I set mine. Sometimes I set it just a little to the negative side so I can face off the part a little as well as turn OD's.
The angle you set your tool bit depends on what you are doing. If you are turning to a square shoulder then 90* is probably the usual drill. If you are facing then you need clearance, so need the toolbit point closer to the face with relief on the heel side. Sometimes, especially if making heavy cuts or interupted cuts that are not to a square shoulder, having the point lagging the heel is better for a smoother cut and takes some of the stress off the point tip.
Hope this helps ?
I started out with carbide inserts and brazed carbide tips but have really come to appreciate my HSS bits for versatility and smooth finish. Both toolbits have their place in the workshop.
I tend to have my tool set so that I can take either a turning cut or a facing cut without having to move it. Since the included angle of the point is less than 90[SUP]o[/SUP], especially with the tangential toolholder, this is easy to do.

I use HSS a lot more than carbide now, but I do use both.