OT: Thank You Veterans


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
I received this today and thought it was appropriate

It is the
not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is
not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the p res s.

It is
not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is
not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is
not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is
not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

Randy when were you in? I was with the 196 light infantry In Nam stepped on a landmine June 15 1967. Althrough I still have all my parts some don't work like the should. But then it mite be old age doing some of that. ;)

I was in Saigon at that time with the Merchant Marine. I spent my whole time (71-74) with the Corps stateside. I didn't exactly "joint the Marines and see the world" :(

I was in Saigon at that time with the Merchant Marine. I spent my whole time (71-74) with the Corps stateside. I didn't exactly "joint the Marines and see the world" :(


Randy, I am was in Nam Dec 66 to Jan 68 in a CAP unit, USMC, Welcome home! I heard you made gears for a single banjo, I am trying to find gears for a south bend heavy 9 single banjo and single tumble quick gear chance box that would fit from the spindle to the gear box. I would take any info you can give me. God bless you and everyone for your service time and thanks, Chester
I was never in the service because I missed the draft by a couple of years.
Frankly, I think being in the military would have been good for me, if I managed to survive it.

Despite not having been there, I truly appreciate those of you who put themselves in harm's way so that the rest of us could be free.
I don't care what branch of the service you were in.
God bless you for your service to the rest of us. :soldier1:
Spent 1970 on forward fire bases with the 101, 1/501 in and around Hue. God bless all you veterans. The VFW & VVA are great organizations that I belong to and really enjoy being with my "buddies".