Organizing the shop


So my shop has been any normal shop for the last 15 years and I go and buy a CNC mill and and I feel that has moved me more into wanting to be in the shop more and as I spend more time in the shop the I feel it would be nice if it was more organized so over the last couple years I have been organizing the shop when ever I get a free minute , my question is when does this stop so I can get on to the fun stuff !
Am I OCD or is this normal , I will admit stuff gets done faster when tools are organized , my cousin says his company calls it 6S ing everything . Am I alone or are there others like me out there??

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I've cleaned my shop a few times but soon after it gets messy again. Shops are supposed to be at least somewhat messy. If it's a clean shop you ain't doing anything. ;)
I follow you, my father, RIP, would disassemble an airplane taking a picture and keeping each group of screws and parts in small bags documenting everything, and building the bill of materials needed right there, it was slow initially, but reassembly was always right and incredibly fast and reliable. Searching for a tool is fast and takes less effort. Also the frustration of doubt and search is gone. Materials would all come at the same time and flow was linear, not turbulent. Makes life easy.
I follow you, my father, RIP, would disassemble an airplane taking a picture and keeping each group of screws and parts in small bags documenting everything, and building the bill of materials needed right there, it was slow initially, but reassembly was always right and incredibly fast and reliable. Searching for a tool is fast and takes less effort. Also the frustration of doubt and search is gone. Materials would all come at the same time and flow was linear, not turbulent. Makes life easy.

Disassembly is one thing, keeping the shop tools, etc., in their exact place is another. I ensure I keep parts together and noted when it's something intricate. I learned that lesson a long time ago. :)
Yeah when I do a project everything stays there in a pile so reassembly was ok, my problem was the amount of tools that disappear during them project, i was thinking about making a tool storage cart so when I am done I wheel them back to the wall and rehang them as opposed to picking them up after the job is done. But since I've started cleaning I've been buying to fill the gaps of what I broke or lost and I will admit that is a bonus except to the pocketbook. I see the pros the cons are the initial organizing setup and finding a system that I like all of which is time consuming..

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I solved my "issue" with tool carts. I have one huge tool box and two 4 drawer carts. I use the few tools on the carts regularly, when I need a specialty tool, I go to the box and get what I need. After I am finished with the special tool I return it to the box immediately. The tools on the cart do get disorgainzed but the quantity is fairly small so it doesnt take but just a minute to clean all the tools and stow them back away. I can do a quick visual and be able to tell if a wrench or socket is missing in just a second or two. I used to make my living with those same tools, so I know every scratch and ding on every tool. Now I just need a bigger shop, because that huge tool box is taking up too much space as it is now. I got asked how much a container would cost on Friday evening, so I may be just about to solve the space issue in just a few days. It took 3 years of whining to get momma to see that I needed more room to play. Now I just have to make it affordable....
