oil can solutions?


Active User
I have had an on going problem forcing oil past the little ball ck valves in most Chinese machines. After buying a number of different oil cans, and modified most of them trying to improve their function, I have not been happy with the results. Any easy solutions to this problem?
The most simple solution I have found is a small piece of rubber tube. Slip it over the end, and the rubber tube makes a good seal. The oil pressure will force the ball off it seat. Allways seems more oil gets wasted trying to oil our machines.
It may not be hi-tech, but it has worked pretty good for me.
OK, lets make it 40. Thanks......, I wasn't looking for a high tech solution, I will give it a try tomorrow.
I got hold of a MATCO needle oiler/luber for my impact wrench and it comes with a large and small tip. The large will work well and have about the best seal on the little fitting. I give each point a cople of squirts fairly often during use and make sure I get a few shots in every one prior to starting and before I put it away for the day. It still dribbles a bit, but I know it is pushing oil into the places it needs to get too.
