Made a nice little punch for a guy at work made out of some left over O1 TS.
I heated it up to ~1425°F adn quench in oil. Let it cool a bit, actually probably to much adn tempered @~400°F for 30 minutes and air cooled.
2 questions. It is magnetized. I thought it would loose its magnetizism after heat treatment?
Any tricks to clean off this scale? I worked on it quit awhile and still parts are quite dirty, although I think it looks sort of neat.
I heated it up to ~1425°F adn quench in oil. Let it cool a bit, actually probably to much adn tempered @~400°F for 30 minutes and air cooled.
2 questions. It is magnetized. I thought it would loose its magnetizism after heat treatment?
Any tricks to clean off this scale? I worked on it quit awhile and still parts are quite dirty, although I think it looks sort of neat.