New TouchDRO Build and a How-To Video


Active User
H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
Apr 4, 2013
Good day, folks,
I just posted a new TouchDRO build to the Beta track. It's mostly small bug fixes, plus some cosmetic changes.
One piece of exciting news is that Google approved my Social Login application, so I will soon be able to invite more people into Plus version testing.

I also posted a new video:

This one is more of a "how to use TouchDRO", as opposed to more feature-centric videos I did before. I'd love to hear your feedback.
I.e. is this format good/useful, or would y'all prefer more feature-centric videos.

Thank you in advance
Loved this Yuriy!
Good day, folks,
I just posted a new TouchDRO build to the Beta track. It's mostly small bug fixes, plus some cosmetic changes.
One piece of exciting news is that Google approved my Social Login application, so I will soon be able to invite more people into Plus version testing.

I also posted a new video:

This one is more of a "how to use TouchDRO", as opposed to more feature-centric videos I did before. I'd love to hear your feedback.
I.e. is this format good/useful, or would y'all prefer more feature-centric videos.

Thank you in advance
I now have my next Mini Lathe Improvement Project identified: figuring out how to add scales to my 7x16 without blocking the gib screws, carriage & cross slide locks (both on the tail stock side) and the follower rest mounting holes (on the head stock side). Oh, and I'd like to keep the rear of the cross slide clear so I can add a power feed. The easy part will be adding a scale to the tail stock (currently using an LMS rotary encoder/readout).

Thanks (?)
I've been considering a TouchDRO addition to two lathes, haven't quite got 'round-to-it on the project list. I find this video format useful for seeing how TouchDRO can be used.
wow - I'll have to go though that a few times myself to really wrap my head around it. Very cool.

Can I swap my tablet from the mill to the lathe if they each have the TDRO hardware?
wow - I'll have to go though that a few times myself to really wrap my head around it. Very cool.

Can I swap my tablet from the mill to the lathe if they each have the TDRO hardware?

Agreed! I'm going to replay that one a few times to absorb all those subtle capabilities.

If I may say, more of those "How to make good use of TouchDRO" would be welcomed.

WRT the tablet swap, yes you can swap from mill to lathe etc. on one tablet, I'm doing just that myself.

C :cool:
I now have my next Mini Lathe Improvement Project identified: figuring out how to add scales to my 7x16 without blocking the gib screws, carriage & cross slide locks (both on the tail stock side) and the follower rest mounting holes (on the head stock side). Oh, and I'd like to keep the rear of the cross slide clear so I can add a power feed. The easy part will be adding a scale to the tail stock (currently using an LMS rotary encoder/readout).

Thanks (?)
Thanks (?) LOL!

If you haven't seen it, there's a link in Another Thread to an installation on a Myford embedding the scale in the cross slide to get it away from everything. Maybe the power feed might conflict but it gives you more options.

C :cool:
Thanks (?) LOL!

If you haven't seen it, there's a link in Another Thread to an installation on a Myford embedding the scale in the cross slide to get it away from everything. Maybe the power feed might conflict but it gives you more options.

C :cool:
Thanks, Capo, I’ll check it out!
I now have my next Mini Lathe Improvement Project identified: figuring out how to add scales to my 7x16 without blocking the gib screws, carriage & cross slide locks (both on the tail stock side) and the follower rest mounting holes (on the head stock side). Oh, and I'd like to keep the rear of the cross slide clear so I can add a power feed. The easy part will be adding a scale to the tail stock (currently using an LMS rotary encoder/readout).

Thanks (?)
This is how they get you ;)