I always check and zero new micrometers against a known good standard. Yes, the wrenches that come with it are specifically for that purpose. Make sure the micrometers are not excessively hot or cold before you do this, the same for your standards. 1/10th of 1/1000th of an inch is not much. Also, clean the faces of the micrometers first (and your standards as well). They may have a dried coating of protectant on the faces, which can cause an error in reading. You should also swap your two "one inch standards" back and forth with each other, to ensure they give the same reading. It is unlikely a standard will be wrong, but it is another thing to check to ensure you have it set "dead to pecans".
Always use the slip/ratchet thimble to get your final reading. I have seen people use the barrel and get inconsistent results because people can't seem to tighten twice to the same reading. Even worse, they may over/under tighten to get the "desired reading".