Need SCMT Inserts for Face Mill: Which?


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 10, 2012
I'm looking to pick up this 2" face mill (6964020) that utilizes SCMT inserts. I don't do a lot of hardened, stainless or cast iron. I may be doing some aluminum down the road. I see so many designations and grades that my head is starting to spin. :nuts: So what exact insert should I get for this face mill? Thanks.
I have a Tormach Superfly. It's fantastic. It uses similar inserts to the mill you linked to. In particular korloy produces a high positive, polished insert that is amazing on aluminum. I am not sure of what spindle taper your mill has, but if you have an R8 or MT3 taper, I would take a look at the the superfly.

As far as the face mill, in general, you will want two different inserts. For stainless and aluminum, you will want something sharper (positive geometry, polished if possible). For steel, you want something tougher, with nearly square edges. Something like an SCGT, as opposed to an SCMT. It should fit in the same holder, but you might want to buy a single to make sure before you commit to a box of 10. For mild steel, any SCMT should work well, coated helps. They are pretty common, you may be able to find a good deal on ebay. The SCGTs are pricier and less common, but they last quite a while in soft materials.
I have a 2.5" made by Maritool. Works great in my BP. I have cut CRS and aluminum no prob. It was pretty economical - $120 or so. Heres a video I took using it.

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